1.In DC Generator the critical resistance refers to:
a) Armature
b) Field
c) Load
d) Commutator

2.In DC Generator the residual magnetism will be of the order:
a) 2.5%
b) 10%
c) 15%
d) 20%

3.Sparkless commutation can be achieved by employing
a) Interpoles
b) Compensating winding
c) High resistance corbon brushes
d) All the above

4.Comutator in DC machine acts as:
a) Full wave rectifier
b) Half wave rectifier
c) Controlled full wave rectifier
d) Controlled half wave rectifier

5. In DC machine, commuataor converts
a) dc to ac
b) ac to dc
c) both ac to dc and dc to ac
d) None of the above

6. Which type of emf is induced in the dc generator
a) Dynamically
b) Static
c) Electrostatic
d) Magentic

7. If a current carrying conductor is placed in the uniform magnetic field with its plane perpendicular to the direction of magnetic induction then,
a) The net force and torque on the coil are zero
b) net force is zero and torque is finite
c) net force is finite and torque is zero
d) the net force and torque are finite

8. In DC machine
a) The current and electromagentic force in armature conductors are alternating while those at the terminals are uni-directional
b) The current and emf in armature conductors are uni directional while those at the terminals are alternating
c) The current and the emf in armature conductors and at terminals are unidirectional
d) The emf in armature conductors and at the terminals is alternating while current is uni directional

9. The induced voltage in a single loop reverses:
a) Once in each revolution
b) Once in each half revolution
c) Once in each one quarter revolution
d) Once in each two revolutions

10. The yoke of the dc machine is made of:____ magnetic material
a) soft
b) hard
c) non
d) very good