1. Induction Generator delivers power at:
a) Leading power factor
b) Lagging power factor
c) depends on the excitation of generator can be leading or lagging power factor
d) depends on the type of load connected can be leading or lagging power factor
2. Which of the following is not an advantage of induction generator:
a) It cannot be operated independently
b) When short circuit occurs it delivers little or no power
c) It can deliver only leading current
d) none of the above
3. Which of the following is advantage of induction generator:
a) It does not hunt or drop out of synchronism
b) It is simple and rugged in construction
c) It delivers leading current
d) when short circuit occurs it delivers no power
4. A 3 phase induction motor runs at super synchronous speed. For self excitation the machine:
a) draws real power from the mains
b) draws reactive power for the mains
c) feeds reactive power to the mains
d) generated emf at the expense of the residual magnetism
5. In a self excited induction generator, to keep the frequency of generated voltage constant with increase in load, the speed of the induction machine should be:
a) increased
b) decreased
c) maintains less than the real synchronous speed
d) maintains more than the real synchronous speed
b) motoring s>1; generating 1>s>0; braking0>s>-1
c) motoring s>1; generating 0>s>-1; braking 1>s>0
d) motoring 0>s>-1; generating s>1; braking 1>s>0

b) 2 and 3 are correct
c) only 3 is correct
d) All 1, 2, 3 are correct

a) Leading power factor
b) Lagging power factor
c) depends on the excitation of generator can be leading or lagging power factor
d) depends on the type of load connected can be leading or lagging power factor
2. Which of the following is not an advantage of induction generator:
a) It cannot be operated independently
b) When short circuit occurs it delivers little or no power
c) It can deliver only leading current
d) none of the above
3. Which of the following is advantage of induction generator:
a) It does not hunt or drop out of synchronism
b) It is simple and rugged in construction
c) It delivers leading current
d) when short circuit occurs it delivers no power
4. A 3 phase induction motor runs at super synchronous speed. For self excitation the machine:
a) draws real power from the mains
b) draws reactive power for the mains
c) feeds reactive power to the mains
d) generated emf at the expense of the residual magnetism
5. In a self excited induction generator, to keep the frequency of generated voltage constant with increase in load, the speed of the induction machine should be:
a) increased
b) decreased
c) maintains less than the real synchronous speed
d) maintains more than the real synchronous speed
6. In the induction machine, motoring, generating and braking operation takes place in the range of slip 's' given by:
a) motoring 1>s>0; generating 0>s>-1; braking s>1b) motoring s>1; generating 1>s>0; braking0>s>-1
c) motoring s>1; generating 0>s>-1; braking 1>s>0
d) motoring 0>s>-1; generating s>1; braking 1>s>0

7. Consider the following statements; if the 3 phase induction machine operates at slip of -0.05. Then the machine will:
1. draws the electrical power from the main
2. draws the mechanical power from the shaft
3. delivers the electrical power to the mains
of these statement:
a) 1 and 2 are correctb) 2 and 3 are correct
c) only 3 is correct
d) All 1, 2, 3 are correct