1. One atomic mass unit (amu) is approximately equals to:
a) 931.4 Mev
b) 251.2 Mev
c) 120.4 Mev
d) 170.5 Mev
2. In nuclear reactor graphite is used as:
a) fuel
b) coolant
c) moderator
d) electrode
3. Water in boiling water reactors are used as:
a) coolant
b) moderator
c) both coolant and moderator
d) none of the above
4. Which of the following materials are fissile:
a) U238 and Th232
b) U238 and Th239
c) U233 and Pu239
d) U238 and Pu239
5. When the nuclear reactor shuts down why it requires cooling:
a) to cool the reactor from chain reaction
b) to cool the reactor from fission products
c) both (a) and (b)
d) none of the above
6. Which of the reactors are highly stable
a) pressurized water reactors
b) boiling water reactors
c) Pressurized heavy water reactors
d) Fast breeder reactors
7. which type of generators are employed in nuclear power plants:
a) salient pole machines
b) non salient pole machines
c) both can be employed
d) none of the above
8. Nuclear power plants always operates as:
a) peak load plants
b) base load plants
c) can be used both base load and peak load plants depends on the requirement
d) none of the above
a) 931.4 Mev
b) 251.2 Mev
c) 120.4 Mev
d) 170.5 Mev
2. In nuclear reactor graphite is used as:
a) fuel
b) coolant
c) moderator
d) electrode
3. Water in boiling water reactors are used as:
a) coolant
b) moderator
c) both coolant and moderator
d) none of the above
4. Which of the following materials are fissile:
a) U238 and Th232
b) U238 and Th239
c) U233 and Pu239
d) U238 and Pu239
5. When the nuclear reactor shuts down why it requires cooling:
a) to cool the reactor from chain reaction
b) to cool the reactor from fission products
c) both (a) and (b)
d) none of the above
6. Which of the reactors are highly stable
a) pressurized water reactors
b) boiling water reactors
c) Pressurized heavy water reactors
d) Fast breeder reactors
7. which type of generators are employed in nuclear power plants:
a) salient pole machines
b) non salient pole machines
c) both can be employed
d) none of the above
8. Nuclear power plants always operates as:
a) peak load plants
b) base load plants
c) can be used both base load and peak load plants depends on the requirement
d) none of the above