1. Steady state stability of the power system is improved by
a) Reducing the fault clearance time
b) Using the double circuit line instead of single circuit line
c) single pole switching
d) decreasing generator inertia

2. Equal area criteria gives the information regarding
a) Stability region
b) Absolute Stability
c) Relative Stability
d) Swing Curves

3. Which one of the following is true
a) Steady State Stability limit is greater than Transient Stability limit
b) Steady State Stability limit is equal to Transient Stability limit
c) Steady State Stability limit is lee than Transient Stability limit
d) None of the above

4. The stability of the power system is not affected by:
a) Generator reactance
b) Line reactance
c) Excitation of the generator
d) Line losses

5. For stability and economic reason we operate the transmission line with power angle in the range of:
a) 10o to 25o
b) 30o to 45o
c) 60o to 75o
d) 65o to 80o

6. The steady state stability of the power system can be improved by:
a) Using machines of high impedance
b) Connecting transmission line in series
c) Connecting transmission in parallel
d) Reducing the excitation of the machines

7. The transfer of power between two stations is maximum when the phase angle displacement between the voltages of the two stations is
a) Zero
b) 90o
c) 120o
d) 180o

8. The inertia of two group of machines which swing together are M1 and M2. The inertia constant of the system is:
a) M1-M2
b) M1+M2
c) M1M2/(M1+M2)
d) M1/M2

a) Reducing the fault clearance time
b) Using the double circuit line instead of single circuit line
c) single pole switching
d) decreasing generator inertia

2. Equal area criteria gives the information regarding
a) Stability region
b) Absolute Stability
c) Relative Stability
d) Swing Curves

3. Which one of the following is true
a) Steady State Stability limit is greater than Transient Stability limit
b) Steady State Stability limit is equal to Transient Stability limit
c) Steady State Stability limit is lee than Transient Stability limit
d) None of the above

4. The stability of the power system is not affected by:
a) Generator reactance
b) Line reactance
c) Excitation of the generator
d) Line losses

5. For stability and economic reason we operate the transmission line with power angle in the range of:
a) 10o to 25o
b) 30o to 45o
c) 60o to 75o
d) 65o to 80o

6. The steady state stability of the power system can be improved by:
a) Using machines of high impedance
b) Connecting transmission line in series
c) Connecting transmission in parallel
d) Reducing the excitation of the machines

7. The transfer of power between two stations is maximum when the phase angle displacement between the voltages of the two stations is
a) Zero
b) 90o
c) 120o
d) 180o

8. The inertia of two group of machines which swing together are M1 and M2. The inertia constant of the system is:
a) M1-M2
b) M1+M2
c) M1M2/(M1+M2)
d) M1/M2